Sometimes life can get a little hectic causing us to fall behind in routine dental check ups and cleanings, while some of us simply acquire plaque faster than others. As a result you may have more build up and tartar causing irritated, bleeding gums known as gingivitis. If Dr. Lachot, or your hygienist find this to be the case, they may recommend a slightly deeper cleaning known as full mouth debridement.
Full mouth debridement is a type of cleaning requiring your hygienist to spend more time removing the build up and tartar. Broken up into two separate visits, the initial appointment allows your hygienist to remove heavy plaque and tartar that usually has begun to make its way below the surface. At your second visit that is usually 1-2 weeks later, your hygienist removes all plaque and stain that sits at the surface. Typically patients required to have a full mouth debridement quickly bounce back to optimal oral health and return to their routine normal dental check ups and cleanings.
Our team is committed to you, which is why we offer a wide range of procedures for different types of gum disease. No two patients are the same and we understand, rest assure treatment recommendations are created just for you and your oral health needs.